Hurricane Irma – Hits Florida and Warning for St.Lucie


Nothing like the Hurricane Irmahas ever been experienced on this planet.

It is being declared the most catastrophic hurricane in the history of the US so far.

With 25 dead already, Irma is making its way towards Florida as we speak.

President of the US, Donald Trump has urged everyone who is likely to come in the way of this storm to flee before it’s too late.

For those who have not yet got the news of the Irma, here we are to tell you exactly what it is and what terrible things we should expect of it.

Hurricane Irma - Hits Florida and Warning for St.Lucie

Hurricane Irma – Hits Florida and Warning for St.Lucie

What is this Hurricane Irma?

Irma is the level 4 Hurricane Irma that has fully struck the Florida Keys and is now turning towards west, reducing the threat it previously posed to Miami. Irma is not just a storm, it is a hurricane of level four that has brought the tremendous tornados, heavy rains, a sea surge that is recorded to reach 15ft, heavy flood and the wind that has reached the 130mph on the barometer.

The current death toll has been reported to be around 150 and there is no measurement of the loss and devastation it has caused to the property and assets.

Hurricane Irma - Hits Florida and Warning for St.Lucie

People are homeless, fleeing before this terrible hurricane, looking for places that are higher to get rid of the fold and sobbing for losing all they had, running for their dear lives.

Not thousands but seven million people have evacuated the state of Florida, rushing to their relatives or otherwise camps to take shelter and wait for the storm to pass. Around 170,000 homes were seen to be out of power as the deadly winds and heavy rains hit the area with a storm covering 350 miles.

According to the metrological experts, Florida has to face destruction and there is no stopping to it. The devastation and destruction will come for sure and would take away a lot. Each and every one that is near to the path of the storm is asked again and again to get to the shelters and save their lives.

The US government is playing its part fully to help the people move from the areas that are likely to be hit by the storm, still, we hope not to hear any bad news from any of the areas and wish the storm would pass away sooner.

Recently the US has faced a devastating hurricane named the Hurricane Harvey in the coastal areas of the Texas that has brought destruction to a large scale, leaving thousands homeless and sobbing, yet the death toll did not reach that of Irma.

Texas has not seen such a terrible storm like Hurricane Harvey since 1980’s. It started to emerge on 13th of August and kept on strengthening till the day it was at its peak from August 25th to 29th.

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