JazzCash Swift Code For Payoneer 2024

JazzCash Swift Code

JazzCash Swift Code is UNILPKKA which is used to identify accounts or banks while Inter Bank Funds Transfer for Payoneer, Upwork, and other national + international accounts to send or receive payments quickly.

The Swift Code contains 8 to 11 characters. These characters may be alphabetic or numeric, or combined. All the swift codes are designed according to the given format of international law.

Hence according to international law, the swift code comprises the first four characters (letters only) that usually contain the bank code. The following two characters (letters only) include the country code. 7 and 8 characters may be (letters or digits) usually refer as location code. Finally, the last three characters (letters or numbers) are the branch code that makes the (swift code) successful.

JazzCash Swift Code

Swift Code Stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. Same BIC stand for Business Identifier Code/Bank Identifier Code. In simple words, the Swift/BIC code is the identity of your Bank + Country + Location + Branch.

Hence this code is essential for international funds transferred from 1 account to another. That’s why people who own Jazz Cash Accounts and want to send or receive payment from the global level want to know the Swift/BIC code.

Jazz Cash Swift Code:UNILPKKA

Note: Swift Code & BIC Code is the same for Jazz Cash.

How To Understand This Code?

We have designed this image to understand the swift or BIC code efficiently. This image contains the different characters (example of swift code) where the meaning of each character is mentioned along with its position. Let’s see the full details in this image:

BIC Code of JazzCash

Hence, the Swift/BIC code pattern is Bank code + Country code + Location code + Branch code to understand any bank account’s location fully.

Additional Information (Codes)

Here we have described the additional details of Jazz Cash for national and international funds transferred from different banks and other sources.

IBAN of JazzCash:PK26UNIL0109000200762191
JazzCash Account No:200762191
Country of JazzCash:Pakistan
Bank Name:UBL
Bank/Branch Code:0239
Bank Adress:IslamabadJinnah Avenue
near Blue Area

Note: All these details are on the official “IBFT” JazzCash portal. Hence all codes are accurate.

Apna4G Conclusion

International funds transfer plays a vital role in daily routine business life. Hence, those who want to remain connected with global users through bank transactions can use these essential codes and details to send or receive transactions successfully.


Read more: https://pakistannetworks.com/