Health News

Don’t fear coronavirus as mortality rate only 3 percent

Written by Sheikh Umair

KARACHI: A Pakistani health expert said Wednesday people did not need to fear coronavirus as its mortality rate was only three percent, which is less than the common flu.

Speaking to the Daily Jang, Dr Naseem Salahuddin — an expert on various contagious diseases — noted, however, that it was necessary for people to remain cautious. Viruses change every few years, she added.

Dr Salahuddin explained that Influenza A virus — present in Pakistan and also known as the common flu — was dangerous too and could cause deaths of those with weak immune systems. In spite of that, the fear around common flu was lower but doctors still recommend care.

Coronavirus, on the other hand, was dangerous because it spreads rapidly, the health expert stated. While the SARS-like virus has a low mortality rate, those with less resistance power or with other severe diseases die of coronavirus — that’s why there was no need to fear it.

Should the virus somehow gets carried into and spreads in Pakistan, it would be a cause of concern, Dr Salahuddin stressed, and that was why not only the government but people also needed to be cautious.

If one suffers from common flu, they should not shake hands, hug or have close contact with others, maintain their space, and cover their noses and mouths with tissues when coughing. It was also necessary for them to wash their hands with soap, reduce meeting people, and clean anything they come into contact with with hand sanitiser.

About the author

Sheikh Umair

I am Sheikh Umair, Co-founder of Pakistan Networks. I like to share my readings, thoughts, information, and knowledge. I love to travel and explore places. My interest in Traveling, Entertainment, Fashion keeps me gaining more knowledge. I am a fun-loving person and like to live a simple life.
